1. Background GOKO is a device that supports normal bowel movements. It is designed to improve the quality of daily life for sufferers.
2. The input for the project was a mock-up showing the method of operation made with very primitive materials.
3. The client expected us to develop a user-friendly UX and a universal aesthetic that would make the device intuitive to use and find its way into the bathroom.
1. A key issue was to create a friendly stylistic language and visual identity for a device that could be stigmatised.
2. The project was carried out in many iterations and in close collaboration with the client’s design team.
3. All solutions were verified on precise prototypes made in 3D printing.
1. The project has been put into mass production with different technologies and materials.
2. Reliable cooperation has allowed the product to be launched on the market smoothly and the patent to be granted.
3. The device is recommended by, among others, a prominent professor of gastroenterology – Prof. Jacek Muszyński, MD